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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25877313-2018-10-16
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N.V. Kozak Ph.D. (Agricult.), Senior Research Scientist, Federal State Scientific Institution «All-Russian Horticultural Institute for Breeding, Agrotechnology and Nursery» (Moscow) E-mail: nat.kozak09@gmail.com Z.A. Imamkulova Ph.D. (Agricult.), Leading Research Scientist, Head of Department of Gene Pool, Federal State Scientific Institution «All-Russian Horticultural Institute for Breeding, Agrotechnology and Nursery» (Moscow)

There are 16 introduced samples of Schisandra chinensis (Turcz.) Bail. in the collection. They are hardy, monoecious, to bear fruit annually able. Bi-ometric parameters of fruits were determined. The best was a new large-fruited variety «Debut». The weight of the fruit of this variety reaches 21.6 g. The number of fruitlets in the fruit is more than 25 pieces. Weight of 1000 seeds about 30 g and more. Helios Ƴ spectrophotometer was used to determine the total antioxidant activity (AOA) of raw leaf mass. Applied physico-chemical method based on the in-teraction of substances - antioxidants with a stable Chromogen radical 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH). The antioxidant activity of water and alcohol extracts of the wet weight of the leaves was determined. The indicators of antioxidant activity of the samples grown in the open field under contrasting conditions were compared. The highest antioxidant activity of methanolic and aqueous extracts have different variety «Debut» (92.8 and 59.0%) when grown without irrigation, in full light. On average, AOA in methanol extraction was 81.8%, and water extracts – 36.6%. The correlation of the results obtained by the above two extraction methods was high – 85%. The content of photosynthetic pigments in leaves was determined by spectrophotometric method. 0.94 – 1.58 mg/g of chlorophylls and 0.34 – 0.63 mg/g of carotenoids were found. The content of the reduced form of ascorbic acid was determined by iodometric method. The samples contained 49-56 mg% ascorbic acid. At drying contained dry matter 15-23%. Forms «Kolomensky» and «Sakhalinsky 2» accumulated the maximum amount of chlorophylls, carotenoids, ascorbic acid and dry matter in leaves.

Schisandra chinensis
fruit weight
total antioxidant activity

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