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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25877313-2018-10-18
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S.M. Motyleva Ph.D. (Agricul.), Associate Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Physiology and Biochemistry, Federal State Scientific Institution «All-Russian Horticultural Institute for Breeding, Agrotechnology and Nursery» (Moscow) E-mail: motyleva_svetlana@mail.ru N.V. Kozak Ph.D. (Agricul.), Senior Research Scientist, Federal State Scientific Institution «All-Russian Horticultural Institute for Breeding, Agrotechnology and Nursery» (Moscow) I.M. Kulikov Academician of the RAS, Director, Federal State Scientific Institution «All-Russian Horticultural Institute for Breeding, Agrotechnology and Nursery» (Moscow)

The composition of low - molecular metabolites in water extracts from fresh fruits of representatives of two species of the genus Actinidia Lindl. - Actinidia arguta var. Giraldii (Diels) Vorosch. and Actinidia polygama (Siebold ex Zucc.) Maxim. was studied by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. A comparison of the chromatographic profiles of the aqueous extracts of fruits of Actinidia and detailed analysis of the metabolites was carried out. The 10 organic acids, 5 substances of phenolic nature, 12 substances of carbohydrate nature, 3 fatty saturated acids, 2 amino acids, antioxidant peptide nature, essential oil, aromatic substances – a total of 46 metabolites were identified according to the mass spectra of the library NIST-5 National Institute of Standards and Technology. Species differences in the accumulation of biologically active substances in the fruits of Actinidia were revealed. The 8 organic acids of carbohydrate nature, phenolic compounds, fatty acids, Valerian aldehyde and antioxidant of peptide nature are characteristic of the studied repre-sentatives of the genus Actinidia Lindl. Such substances as chrysanthemum and gluconic acids, decyl alcohol, alanine, phenylalanine, cyclopentane and tetradecane essential oil are found only in extracts of the fruits of the "Zlata" variety, which emphasizes the peculiarity of the synthesis of metabolites of the A. polygama species. The largest composition of metabolites extracted by water in terms of the number of components was found in the "Zlata" variety (Actinidia polygama species), a total of 39 metabolites. At the varieties of A. arguta var. Giraldii was revealed the same total number of metabolites – 33 (variety "Tuzemka") and 32 (variety "Alevtina"). Studies have found that the fruits of Actinidia contain important for the human body biologically active substances – anti-oxidants.

fruits of the Аctinidia Lindl.
low-molecular metabolites
gas chromatography-mass spectrometry

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