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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25877313-2018-07-04
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I.S. Gulmurodov Ph.D. (Pharm.), Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Avicenna Tajik State Medical University (Tajikistan, Dushambe) E-mail: valizoda83@gmail.com F.S. Sharopov Dr.Sc. (Pharm.), Department of Pharma Technologies, Avicenna Tajik State Medical University (Tajikistan, Dushambe) G.N. Ergasheva Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Professor, Department of Botany, Tajik National University (Tajikistan, Dushambe)

In the article represented the results of macro- and microscopic analysis of leaves of Hyssopus seravsсhanicus (Dubj) Pazij., growing in Tajikistan are represented. The goal of the research is the study of the anatomical features of the leaves of the medicinal plant H. seravsсhanicus L. The object of the study were leaves H. seravshanicus (Dubj) Pazij. Plant samples were collected from the Zide vil-lage, Varzob district, Republic of Tajikistan, at an altitude of 1800-2000 m above sea level in 2017. The leaves of the medicinal plant were insisted in 96% ethanol. After 24 hours, the fixed samples were placed in a liquid consisting of equal parts of alcohol, glycerin and water for 10 days in order to make anatomical sections. H. seravsсhanicus (Dubj) Pazij. (Lamiaceae family) is a perennial plant, a branchy shrub with a height of 20-80 cm. Leaves opposite, almost sessile, lanceolate, with slightly curved on the underside edges, ap-ical smaller. Plate of H. seravshanicus (Dubj) Pazij. leaves has abifacial type, where the upper and lower surfaces are distinctly expressed morphologically and functionally. The conducted research indicates that the accumulation of glandular hairs H. seravschanicus (Dubj) Pazij. is presented on the upper and lower epidermis leaf plate. There are simple unicellular hairs and numer-ous brown glandular hairs on the upper and lower epidermis.

Hyssopus seravsсhanicus (Dubj) Pazij.

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