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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25877313-2020-06-03
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A.S. Bakun Post-graduate Student, Educational Institution «Belarusian State Medical University» (Minsk) E-mail: bakunanastasia1989@mail.ru N.S. Gurina Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Professor, Educational Institution «Belarusian State Medical University»(Minsk) V.M. Tsarenkov Dr.Sc. (Pharm.), Educational Institution «Belarusian State Medical University»(Minsk)

Relevance. The medicinal value of plants is determined by the content of not only biologically active substances in them, but also macro- and microelements, the accumulation of which is due to environmental factors and the nature of plants. A promising object of study as a source of macro- and microelements is Galega officinalis (Galega officinalis L.). This plant is used in folk medicine as a hypoglycemic, hypolipidemic, lactogonous, antimicrobial agent, but it is not pharmacopoeial. The purpose of the work is to study the elemental composition, the content of heavy metals, arsenic, mercury, and the specific activity of cesium-137 in the samples of the herb Galega officinalis. Material and methods. The object of the study was the herb Galega officinalis, harvested in 2015-2017 in the Vitebsk region of the Republic of Belarus. Sample preparation for obtaining the mineral residue was carried out byashing samples of the herb Galega officinalis in a muffle furnace at a temperature of 600 C for 1 hour. The structure and elemental composition of the mineral residue were studied by scanning electron microscopy with electron probe chemical analysis. The content of heavy metals, arsenic, and mercury was carried out by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry. The specific activity of cesium-137 was determined by registering gamma radiation with a scintillation detection unit, followed by converting the obtained data using an information processing unit. Results. As a result of the study of the elemental composition of the herb Galega officinalis 9 elements were discovered and a series of accumulation of macro- and microelements was compiled: O > K > Ca > C > Mg > P > Cl > Si > S. Copper, zinc and chromium were found in samples of the herb Galega officinalis, which increases the pharmacological value of the herb Galega officinalis as a means for the prevention of diseases associated with the lack of these trace elements, in particular diabetes mellitus. No toxic heavy metals (lead, arsenic, mercury, cadmium)and radionuclides were detected in the herb of the Galega officinalis, which indicates the safety of this type of medicinal plant material and the possibility of its preparation in the natural and climatic conditions of the Republic of Belarus. Conclusion. The herb Galega officinalis can be used as a potential source of biotic elements for the treatment and prevention of diseases of various etiologies associated with disturbances in trace elements, as well as pathological conditions bordering on them.

Galega officinalis herb
elemental composition
heavy metals
radiation safety

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