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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25877313-2021-06-07
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N.S. Tropina Senior Research Scientist, North Caucasus branch FSBSI All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (village Vasyurinskaya, Dinskoy district, Krasnodar territory, Russia) E-mail: vilar8@rambler.ru N.I. Sidelnikov Dr.Sc. (Agricul.), Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (Moscow, Russia) O.A. Bykova Ph.D. (Agricul.), North Caucasus branch FSBSI All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (village Vasyurinskaya, Dinskoy district, Krasnodar territory, Russia)

Relevance. The technology of growing essential oil crops provides for maximum yield in combination with a high content of essential oil and its main components. The greatest increase in the content of essential oil with simultaneous increase in the synthesis of active substances is observed when chemical retardants are used in the before harvesting period. In last years, natural Hardy retardant, whose active substances are orthodiphenols and epibrassinolide, has been tested on medicinal and ether oil cultures. The purpose of this work is to assess the effect of Hardy's retardant on the content of the main components of essential oil Mentha piperita, Cham-omilla recutita and essential oil raw materials of Dracocephalum moldavica. Material and Methods. Research was conducted in the North Caucasus branch of VILAR in the conditions of the Western Caucasus in the period 2018–2020. Hardy treatment was carried out in the start of budding phase at a flow rate of 0.2 l/ha, working solution flow rate of 300 l/ha. Control plots were sprayed with water. Harvesting of raw materials was carried out 10 days after treatment. Results. It was revealed that the use of Hardy's retardant in the pre-harvest period activates the process of accumulation of secondary metabolites in essential oil. Treatment of Mentha piperita by Hardy contributes to a 5% increase in menthol content, menthol acetate by 2 times and a 54.4% de-crease in the level of the toxic component of neomentol. In Chamomilla recutita essential oil, an increase of 1.3 times over the control of basic com-ponents such as A-bisabolol, hamazulene by 22% and bisabolol of A oxide by 18% was noted. Under the influence of retardant in the essential oil raw material of the Dracocephalum moldavica, the content of rosemary acid increases by 27% and glucose rosemary by 30%. Conclusion. The obtained data suggest that Hardy retardant treatment of essential oil cultures in the before harvest period improves the quality raw material of essential oil and essential oil by increasing the content of the main most significant components, which indirectly affects the improvement of the chemical composition.

Mentha piperita L.
Dracocephalum moldavica L.
Chamomilla recutita L.
Hardy retardant

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