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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25877313-2019-06-07
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A.N. Nakoskin Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Professor, Department of Biology, Institute of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Kurgan State University (Kurgan) E-mail: Nakoskin_A@mail.ru

The purpose of the work is to study the diffractometric characteristics of bone tissue, bone regenerate and calcium phosphate material ob-tained from bone tissue using various technologies. Material and methods: For the study, samples of calcium phosphate material from mature bulls bone tissue were obtained, healthy bone and a dog's distraction regenerate were studied. All samples were examined on a DRON-7 x-ray diffractometer. It was established that with age and with the maturation of the regenerate an increase in the crystallinity of the mineral phase of bone occurs, which indicates a decrease in the metabolic processes occurring in it. Resultate: High crystallinity may be a key factor in the cascade of reparative processes occurring during bone regeneration. With age and with the maturation of the regenerate, an increase in the crystallinity of the mineral phase of the bone occurs, which indicates a decrease in the metabolic processes occurring in it. Thus, the analysis of diffraction patterns showed that the main crystalline phase of the studied samples is hydroxyapatite with characteristic diffraction reflexes. At the same time, crystallinity is more pronounced in mature bone tissue compared to bone regenerate. This circumstance may indirectly indicate that during the physiological aging of the bone tissue, the crystallinity of the mineral phase increases. Conclusions: The composition of samples of bone mineral obtained in various ways is different, which indicates the importance of the proce-dure for obtaining. A common characteristic of the composition of the bone mineral is the low content of carbonate forms of hydroxyapatite, which is completely explained by the fact that in the process of obtaining these substances from the bone tissue, treatment with hydrochloric acid solution oc-curs. As a result, the carbonate ion is released as carbon dioxide. The crystallinity of the bone mineral is influenced by the volume of the solution from which precipitation occurs. The general trend is as follows: the greater the volume of the solution and, accordingly, the lower the concentration of bone mineral, the higher the crystallinity of the resulting product. In this regard, the use of calcium phosphate materials with high crystallinity will not contribute to the speedy healing of a fracture.

Bone tissue
calcium phosphate materials
diffractometric analysis

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