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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25877313-2018-06-02
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Т.А. Pozdnyakova Dr.Sc. (Pharm.), Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacy, I.S. Turgenev Orel State University (Orel, Russia) R.А. Bubenchikov Dr.Sc. (Pharm.), Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacognosy and Botany, Kursk State Medical University (Kursk, Russian)

Currently Astragalus dasyаnthus is the only representative of the many kinds of Astragalus, which was used in scientific medicine as antihypertensive and diuretic. However, in the FS for medicinal plant material «Herb Astragalus dasyаnthus» there is no data for standardization of raw materials on the content of active substances. Therefore, the aim of our work was to develop a methodology for determining the quantitative content of flavonoids in the herb of Astragalus dasyаnthus as one of the major groups of active substances of the plant. Materials and methods. The object of the study was the crushed air-dry herb Astragalus dasyаnthus, harvested in 2016–2017 on the territory of Kursk region in the period of mass flowering. Establishing the presence of flavonoids in the studied raw materials was carried out using the well-known qualitative reactions, and their identification using thin layer chromatography. For standardization of the herb Astragalus dasyаnthus on the content of fla-vonoids, we developed a methodology for spectrophotometric determination of the sum of flavonoids directly in the extraction of raw materials, based on the reaction of complex formation of flavonoids with aluminium chloride. Results and discussion. The optimal conditions for the extraction of the sum of flavonoids from the herb Astragalus dasyаnthus are: the extent of grinding 1 mm, extractant – ethanol 70%, extraction by heating in a boiling water bath for 45 minutes. In the study of the conditions spectrophotometry established that the optimal is the use of 2 ml of a 5% solution of aluminum chloride. Staining sustainable extraction of raw materials with aluminum chlo-ride occurs within 15 minutes and lasts for 1,5 hours. Measurement of optical density was carried out in the region of maximum absorption (405±5 nm), which coincides with the maximum of absorbance of hyperoside with aluminum chloride, so as the standard sample we used with hyperoside, OOO «Fitopanatseya». According to the results of the study, the content of flavonoids in the herb of Astragalus dasyаnthus calculated as hyperoside is 2,01%, the error of single determination with 95% probability not to exceed is 4,57%. Conclusion. The developed method of quantitative determination of flavonoids in the herb of Astragalus dasyаnthus can be used for standardiza-tion of raw materials «Herb Astragalus dasyаnthus» the content of flavonoids.

Astragalus dasyаnthus L.
the reaction of complex formation
a spectrophotometric method

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