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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25877313-2018-06-09
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A.N. Sidel'nikov Research Scientist, Agrobiology and Selection Department, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute Aromatic and Medicine Plant (Moscow) F.M. Hazieva Ph.D. (Biol.), Head of Agrobiology and Selection Department, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute Aromatic and Medicine Plant (Moscow) E-mail: vilar.6@yandex.ru D.M. Semchenkova Junior Research Scientist, Agrobiology and Selection Department, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute Aromatic and Medicine Plant (Moscow)

The results of tests of the complex use of the bioinsecticide Fitoverm, the Ferovit microfertilizer, the Zircon growth regulator for protecting Potentil-la alba L. from the spider mites (Tetranychus atlanticus McGregor) and its effect on the yield and quality of raw materials are presented. It is found that the biological efficacy of the Fitoverm is 80.1% at 5 days after a two-fold treatment, on the 24th day it decreased to 64.4%. With the complex use of the Fitoverm bioinsecticide and the Ferovit microfertilizer, the Zircon growth regulator biological efficacy is 70.3%, 76.5% on day 24 after two-fold treatment. In this case the increase of growth processes is greatest: the mass of the leaves exceeded the control by 36% and the mass of the roots by 28%, compared to one Fitoverm by 11% and 12% and Fitoverm+Ferovit by 6% and 7% respectively. The pest number decreased by 79.8% on the 24th day after treatment.

Potentilla alba L.
Tetranychus atlanticus McGregor
plant protection
biological products
growth regulators

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