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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25877313-2019-03-01
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Y. Gluhcheva Ph.D., The Institute of Experimental Morphology, Pathology and Anthropology with Museum, Acad. ( Sofia, Bulgaria) A.A. Tinkov Ph.D. (Med.)., P.G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University; RUDN University (Moscow) O.P. Ajsuvakova Ph.D. (Chem.), P.G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University; RUDN University (Moscow) А.Р. Грабеклис Ph.D. (Biol.), P.G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University; RUDN University (Moscow) E Pavlova Ph.D., The Institute of Experimental Morphology, Pathology and Anthropology with Museum (Sofia, Bulgaria) E Petrova Ph.D., The Institute of Experimental Morphology, Pathology and Anthropology with Museum (Sofia, Bulgaria ) Yu.V. Zaitseva Ph.D. (Biol.), P.G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University I. Vladov Ph.D., The Institute of Experimental Morphology, Pathology and Anthropology with Museum (Sofia, Bulgaria ) A.V. Skalny Dr.Sc. (Med.), Professor, P.G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University; RUDN University (Moscow)

The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of perinatal cobalt exposure (75 mg / kg / day CoCl2•6H2O to pregnant and lactating females) on the exchange of copper, iron, manganese, and zinc in early-aged ICR mice (18 days). Cobalt and other metals were determined by mass spectrometry with inductively coupled argon plasma (ICP-DRC-MS) after microwave digestion of the samples. It is established that perinatal cobalt exposure leads to a 68-, 3.8-, 11.3-, 41.3-, and 162-fold increase of metal content in kidneys, spleen, muscle, liver, and erythrocytes, respectively. Cobalt intake was also ac-companied by a significant increase of the iron content in the kidney and liver by 27% and 15%, respectively. A significant increase of the copper level in the spleen parenchyma (+ 24%) and red blood cells (2-fold) was also noted. Co-induced manganese accumulation exceeded the corresponding control values by a factor of more than 2 for spleen, liver and erythrocytes, whereas the increase in muscle content was 3-fold. The elevation of zinc content in spleen, skeletal muscles, liver, and erythrocytes was 45%, 11%, 10%, and 16% as compared to the corresponding values in the control group. It is sup-posed the effect of cobalt on the iron, copper, manganese and selenium metabolism may be mediated by cobalt-induced stimulation of hypoxia-inducible factor 1 (HIF-1) with a subsequent effect on the activity of metal transporters (DMT-1, ferroportin) including a modulation of hepcidin production.


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