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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25877313-2019-03-06
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K.Yu. Aleshnikova Post-graduate Student, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (Moscow) E-mail: k.aleshnikova@yandex.ru М.А. Dzhavakhyan Ph.D. (Pharm.), Associate Professor, Head of Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (Moscow); Faculty of Fundamental Medicine, Lomonosov Moscow State University E-mail:akopovamarina13@mail.ru

Research objective. Development of structure and technology of pencils medicinal for prevention and treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of skin. Material and methods. Research object. Evkalimin (FS 42-3605-98). Excipients (E): Lanett SX cetyl alcohol of ER (hexadecanol-1, tsetearet-25) TU 6-09-3813-86, stearyl alcohol (NB 5 stearate) of TU 6-09 — 3940 - 75 Ph. Eur, wax emulsion TU 9154-003-0033813-99, paraffin (GOST 23683-89), vaseline medical (FS 2.2.0003.15), medical castor oil (GOST 18102-95), oil peach (GF H). The compatibility of liquid and fusible components (firm at the room temperature and melting (dissolved, breaking up) at body temperature) was defined by mixing of components in ratios 1:10; 1:1; 10:1 after preliminary fusion on the water bath of fusible components, at a temperature at 2-3°C temperatures of melting of a refractory component are higher. The auxiliary components which are a part of a basis of pencils, at the room temperature being in a firm state have the following temperatures of melting: cetyl alcohol (54.6°C), stearin alcohol (57.9°C), wax emulsion (40-45°C), paraffin (45-65°C). Conclusions. The obtained data on justification of the choice of excipients in pencils medicinal demonstrate that the major factor providing indi-cators of quality of a dosage form are the individual indicators of hardness of bases characterizing drawing on integuments and their stability. Determination of the covering ability of pencils provides percent of drawing the studied basis which value for experimental sample No. 11 is 44.44%. Taking into account physical and chemical properties of an evkalimin the choice of a way of introduction of substance to a dosage form in the form of suspension is reasonable, the structure of a pencil medicinal is developed and quality indicators according to requirements of standard documentation are established.

pencils are medicinal
antimicrobic activity

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