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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25877313-2019-09-02
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I.A. Martinchik Research Scientist, All-Russian Research Scientific Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Herbs (Moscow) E-mail: Iruna-martynchik@mail.ru T.E. Trumpe Ph.D. (Biol.) Leading Research Scientist, All-Russian Research Scientific Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (Moscow) E.V. Ferubko Ph.D. (Med.), All-Russian Research Scientific Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (Moscow)

Galega medicinal (Galega officinalis L.) is a perspective medicinal plant of antidiabetic action. Positive influence of a galega on various links of pathological process at a diabetes mellitus is explained by the maintenance of a complex of biologically active agents, one of which is guanidinovy al-kaloid galegine (izoamilen-guadin). Galegine can work like guanyl guanidines - group of synthetic glucose-lowering drugs, for example as Metforminum, the patients with a diabetes mellitus who are applied to treatment. The similarity of pharmacological activity of galegine and metformin is caused by proximity of chemical composition and respectively proximity of mechanisms of effect of the specified substances. According to literary data an im-portant target of Metforminum is adenosinemonophosphate - the activated protein kinase (AMFK) - the key regulator of power metabolism of a cell. Ac-tivation of AMFK leads to reduction of endothelial dysfunction, easing of an oxidative stress, improvement of utilization of glucose and increase in bio-logical activity of insulin. Such metabolic activity does this enzyme by one of major factors of protection of a cardiovascular system in the conditions of a diabetes mellitus and can explain various effects of guanyl guanidines. Also the LKB1/AMFK mechanism provides molecular interrelation between a diabetes mellitus and cancer. Metforminum reduces metabolic defect and restored generation of T-memory cells. The mechanism of effect of met-formin and a galega medicinal opens a wide range of their pharmacological action.

alkaloid galegine
diabetes mellitus
antidiabetic means
guanyl guanidine

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