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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25877313-2021-03-02
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E.N. Lust Ph.D. (Pharm.), Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy (Perm, Russia) O.S. Endoltseva Ph.D. (Pharm.), Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy (Perm, Russia) E-mail: 260578@ mail.ru

Silver preparations, in particular colloyd silver, are in demand in the Russian pharmaceutical market. To date, they have not been offered an alternative replacement for the treatment of otolaryngological diseases in young children as an antibacterial agent. Earlier, colloid silver preparations (protorgol, collargol) were produced only in the production departments of pharmacies, but with the expansion of the range of medicines, industrial-made silver proteinate preparations appeared. The article is devoted to a comparative study of the stability of preparations of silver proteinate (protargol), manufac-tured industrially under different storage conditions, in comparison with a pharmaceutical preparation. A number of test objects include actually drugs and preparations containing silver proteinate, but related to perfumery and cosmetics. Studies have noted both a change in the appearance of samples during storage and a change in the quantitative content of silver proteinate over time under certain storage conditions. The samples were divided into two groups, one of which was stored under the conditions recommended by the manufacturer, and the second group - at room temperature with ex-posure to daylight and artificial light. Determination of the content of the target substance was carried out by the titrimetric method in three samples for six months. Evaluation of the content of silver proteinate was carried out according to the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated 26.10.2015, No. 751n. Based on the results obtained, it has been established that drugs made only with silver proteinate and purified water, both pharmaceutical and industrial, are stable only for no more than four weeks. The perfumery and cosmetic product, also made with silver proteinate and purified water, turned out to be stable within the shelf life set by the manufacturer, namely 18 months. Over time, the proteinate content decreases, but different storage conditions do not significantly affect its concentration.

silver proteinate
medicinal product
perfume and cosmetics

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