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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25877313-2021-05-07
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V.V. Bortnikova Ph.D. (Biol.), Leading Research Scientist, Department of Toxicology, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (Moscow, Russia) Е-mail: bortnikova.v@yandex.ru L.V. Krepkova Ph.D. (Biol.), Head of Toxicology Department, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (Moscow, Russia) Е-mail: krepkowa2011@yandex.ru А.N. Babenko Ph.D. (Biol.), Leading Research Scientist, Department of Toxicology, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (Moscow, Russia) Е-mail: babenko@vilarnii.ru S.V. Lemyaseva Ph.D. (Biol.), Leading Research Scientist, Department of Toxicology, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (Moscow, Russia) Е-mail: lemyaseva.svetlana@yandex.ru M.V. Вorovkova Senior Research Scientist, Toxicology Department, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (Moscow, Russia) Е-mail:borovkova_65@mail.ru O.S. Kuzina Senior Research Scientist, Toxicology Department, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (Moscow, Russia) Е-mail: oskt@list.ru

Relevance. In recent years, medicinal plants that serve as a source of antithyroid medicines have been of scientific interest for research. Such plants include Lycopuseuropaeus L., from the herb of which a dry extract with a pronounced thyrostatic effect was obtained in the Research Institute of Medic-inal and Aromatic Plants. Because the violation of all types of metabolism in hyperthyroidism is one of the reasons for the development of secondary induced immunodeficiency, it was relevant to study the effect of the dry extract Lycopuseuropaeus L. on the functional state of the immune system of experimental animals. The aim is to study the immunotoxicity and allergenicity of a new antithyroidmedicine created on the basis ofthe herb dry extract Lycopuseuropaeus L. Material and methods. The choice of methods for studying the allergenicity and immunotoxicity of the herb dry extract Lycopuseuropaeus L. was determined by the requirements set out in the"Guidelines for conducting preclinical studies of Medicines". Experiments were performed on albino guin-ea pigs (males, body weight 350-400 g), CBA/Lac and BALB/c mice (males, body weight 18-20 g). In this study, albino guinea pigs, CBA/Lac and BALB/c mice were administered the test extract at doses of 10 and 100 mg / kg in the form of 0,1 and 1,0% aqueous solutions. Control animals received equivalent volumes of isotonic NaCl solution. The potential allergenic properties of test extractwere evaluated using the following tests: general system-ic reactions, active cutaneous anaphylaxis, and delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions. The effect of the herb dry extract Lycopuseuropaeus L. on hu-moral immunity was evaluated by the test of antibody-forming cell generation in the spleen and the titer of hemagglutinins in the blood serum of mice. The effect of test extract on the state of T-cell immunity was studied by the delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction induction test in CBA/Lac mice. Results. When studying the potential allergenic properties of the herb dry extract Lycopuseuropaeus L. in experiments on different types of laboratory animals, no statistically significant differences in the results between the control and experimental groups were revealed. It was shown that, under dif-ferent schemes of introduction, the studied extract stimulated effectors of cellular immunity in CBA/Lacmice at a dose of 100 mg/kg. Conclusion. The herb dry extract Lycopuseuropaeus L. does not induce allergic reactions. The extract stimulates the cellular immune response and may reduce the risk of secondary immunodeficiency in patients with thyroid pathology.

Lycopuseuropaeus L.
dry extract

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