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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25877313-2021-06-08
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M.V. Sarkisova MSc-student, Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy (Moscow) M.Yu. Cherednichenko Ph.D. (Biol.), Associate Professor, Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy (Moscow)

Actuality. To preserve natural populations of Marsilea hirsuta it is possible to propose the use of clonal micropropagation, taking into account physio-logical and biochemical characteristics of aseptic plants. Aim. Selection of optimal conditions for in vitro cultivation of M. hirsuta plants and primary phytochemical screening of plant extracts. Material and methods. Isolated explants of M. hirsuta aseptic plants were cultivated on nutrient media with various mineral composition, acidity and consistence. Primary phytochemical screening extracts was carried out according to standard methods. Results. The use of 2-nodal cuttings led to the formation of maximum amount of micro-shoots (7). A decrease in acidity to pH 4 has no significant ef-fect on the efficiency of adventive shoots formation, their morphology and height. At pH 6 or 7, weakened plants with pale green leaves and a poorly developed root system are formed. On the 3rd day on a liquid medium, the plants develop better than on a solid one; by the 7th day, the indicators on both media variants are equalized, after the 10th day, growth on a liquid medium slows down. Primary phytochemical screening of plant extracts showed the presence of components such as tannins and phenolic compounds, flavonoids, alkaloids and proteins. Conclusion. The optimal cutting size is 2 nodes. To obtain the maximum number of nodes and shoot length for the minimum cultivation time, it is recommended to grow M. hirsuta on a liquid nutrient medium (pH 4...5) with a transplant every 10 days. Primary phytochemical analysis showed the presence of some valuable compounds.

Marsilea hirsuta
in vitro
clonal micropropagation
plant extract
primary phytochemical screening

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