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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25877313-2018-05-06
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M.R. Khochava Ph.D. (Pharm.), Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacy, Kuban State Medical University (Krasnodar) A.I. Shevchenko Ph.D. (Pharm.), Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer, Department of Pharmacy, Kuban State Medical University (Krasnodar) E.B. Nikiforova Ph.D. (Pharm.), Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacy, Kuban State Medical University (Krasnodar) E-mail corpus@ksma.ru O.A. Bykova Ph.D. (Agricul.), Director, All-Russian Research Scientific Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (VILAR) North Caucasian branch, (Krasnodar region, Dinskoy R-n, stanitsa Vasyurinskaya) E-mail: vilar8@rambler.ru

The expansion of the range of medicines of a phytogenesis, including, due to introduction to medical practice of new types of medicinal vegetable raw materials is still relevant now. The Scorzonera hispanica L. can be considered as one of vegetable objects perspective in this regard. Scorzonera hispanica L. – is a species of grassy plants from the genus Scorzonera of the Asteraceae family. Along with high tastes of a Scorzonera hispanica is of great importance as dietary vegetable, especially in a diet of the elderly people sick with diabetes, a hypertension, at gout, liver diseases, obesity, avitaminosis, etc. Thus, a Scorzonera hispanica is not only a valuable food plant, but also perspective medicinal vegetable raw materials. In this regard, and necessary more in depth study of this vegetable object, including, from the point of view of studying of morfologo-anatomic features Scorzonera hispanica for the purpose of the subsequent their inclusion in the draft of standard documentation is relevant. The purpose of the real research was the identification of the external and anatomo-diagnostic signs of roots and a grass of Scorzonera hispanica. As objects of a research of Scorzonera hispanica own preparation used roots and a grass. The research of external and anatomodiagnostic signs, histochemical reactions carried out according to the Pharmakopea’s techniques. For obtaining microphotos the laboratory microscope of LW of 200 T (Shanghai) with a digital nozzle of ICD-828A (Japan) was used. Pictures have been processed on the computer by means of the Adobe Photoshop 11.0 program. As a result of the conducted researches characteristic external signs of roots and a grass Scorzonera hispanica, allowing to identify authentically this type of vegetable raw materials are established. In particular, the appearance, colour and the size of roots, character of their break is described; for a grass the detailed description of external characteristics of leaves, a stalk, inflorescences, flowers and fruits is submitted. The microscopic studying of a grass and roots of Scorzonera hispanica has allowed to receive a detailed picture of a structure of a leaf: cells of the top and lower epidermis, stomatas, hairs, essential oil glands, mesophyll. The structure of inflorescences with identification of character of epidermis, stomatas and hairs tubular and the tubular flowers is investigated. The microscopic structure of a root, character of cells of his integumentary fabric and a parenchyma is established. Thus, the conducted researches have allowed to establish a number of diagnostic signs of a morfologo-anatomic structure of roots and a grass of Scorzonera hispanica which can be considered from the point of view of their possible inclusion in standard documentation on these vegetable raw materials.

Scorzonera hispanica
external signs
anatomic signs
essential oil glands
latex receptacles

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