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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25877313-2018-10-21
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M.U. Sharofova Ph. D., Director of the Institute of Avicenna’s Medicine and Pharmacology; Head of the Laboratory, Research Center for Innovative Technologies at the Academy of Science of Republic of Tajikistan (Dushanbe) E-mail: mijgona72@mail.ru Yu.N. Nuraliev Dr.Sc. (Med), Professor, Head of Pharmacology Department CSRL, Avicenna’s Tajik State Medical University (Dushanbe) E-mail: usuf-nurali@mail.ru P.D. Shabanov Dr.Sc. (Med), Head of the Department of Pharmacology, Military Medical Academy (Saint-Petersburg) E-mail: pdshabanov@mail.ru Sh.S. Sagdieva Ph.D. (Med.), Senior Research Scientist, Research Center for Innovative Technologies at the Academy of Science of Republic of Tajikistan; Institute of Avicenna’s Medicine and Pharmacology (Dushanbe) E-mail: shoistass@mail.ru P.Sh. Suhrobov Research Assistant, Institute of Avicenna’s Medicine and Pharm (Dushanbe) E-mail: parviz-suhrobov@mail.ru S.R. Numonov Ph.D. (Chem.), Senior Research Scientist, Research Center for Innovative Technologies at the Academy of Science of Republic of Tajikistan; Institute of Avicenna’s Medicine and Pharmacology (Dushanbe) E-mail: sodikjon82@gmail.com

The article presents the results of the study of antidiabetic properties of the infusion of the above-ground parts and the decoction of seeds of the Black cumin (Nigella sativa L.) in animals with experimental alloxanhydrate diabetes. Significant improvements in impaired metabolic processes in diabetic animals have been revealed. The prospects of using above-ground parts of Black cumin for developing new effective antidiabetic phytopreparations are shown. The research was supported by the Fogarty International Center of the National institutes of Health under Award Number D43TW009672. The con-tent is the sole responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily reflect the official views of the National institutes of health

black cumin (Nigella sativa L.)

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