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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25877313-2021-06-06
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E.V. Kuvaeva Ph.D.(Pharm.), Аssociate Professor, Department of Organic Chemistry, Saint-Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University (Saint-Petersburg, Russia) E-mail: elena.kuvaeva@pharminnotech.com D.A. Kolesnik Post-graduate Student, Saint-Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University (Saint-Petersburg, Russia) Е-mail: denis.kolesnik@spcpu.ru P.O. Levshukova Student, Saint-Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University (Saint-Petersburg, Russia) Е-mail: levshukova.polina@pharminnotech.com D.Y. Ivkin Ph.D.(Biol,), Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology, Saint-Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University (Saint-Petersburg, Russia) E-mail: dmitry.ivkin@pharminnotech.com I.P. Yakovlev Dr.Sc. (Chem.), Рrofessor, Head of the Department of Organic Chemistry, Saint-Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University (Saint-Petersburg, Russia) E-mail: igor.yakovlev@pharminnotech.com

Aim. 5-butyl-1,2-diphenyl-6-oxo-1,6-dihydropyrimidine-4-sodium olate synthesis (test compound, target compound) and its acute toxicity, analgesic activity in silico and in vivo evaluation. Material and methods. The target compound was obtained by the interaction of 5-butyl-6-hydroxy-2,3-diphenylpyrimidin-4 (3H) -OH radicals and an sodium hydroxide aqueous solution equimolar amount. The structure was proved by NMR 1H and 13C spectroscopy. The test compound acute toxicity prediction was carried out using the GUSAR software. Acute toxicity in vivo was determined in white outbred male mice. Biological activity computer screening was performed using the PASS program located on a web service freely accessible via the Internet. For the analgesic activity experimental assessment, two models were used: tail-flicking of the tail from heat radiation and acetic acid cramps. Results. Sodium 5-butyl-1,2-diphenyl-6-oxo-1,6-dihydropyrimidine-4-olate was synthesized in quantitative yield. The structure is proved using 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy. The acute toxicity predicted and experimental data allow to classify the compound under study as moderately hazardous. Dur-ing the biological activity screening with the PASS program help, data on the alleged analgesic effect were obtained. The analgesic activity study in vivo showed that the target compound has a pronounced effect. Conclusion. A new compound, 5-butyl-1,2–diphenyl-6-oxo-1,6-dihydropyrimidine-4-sodium olate, was synthesized. Its structure has been proven using modern physicochemical analysis methods. The computer modelling results made it possible to determine the toxicity class and potential biological activity. With the experimental pharmacological studies help, it was proved that the studied compound has a toxicity low level and shows pronounced analgesic activity

water-soluble hydroxypyrimidines
acute toxicity
computer screening
analgesic activity
acetic acid cramps

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