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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25877313-2022-07-04
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I.A. Lupanova
Ph.D. (Biol.), All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (Moscow, Russia)
E-mail: lupanova@vilarnii.ru

Relevance. According to the World Health Organization recommendations it is advisable to use herbal medicines in the treatment of approximately 75% of patients with digestive system diseases. Medicinal plant raw materials contain significant amounts of biologically active substances (e.g. fla-vonoids, phenolic acids, etc.), that are of substantial interest. One of these biologically active substances sources is Cichorium intybus L. herb. The aim of research is the hepatoprotective activity comparative study of the of biologically active substances fractions different polarity of the Cicho-rium intybus L.herb extract using specific enzyme biotest systems in vitro and confirmation attained results using in vivo models. Material and methods. Common Cichorium intybus L. herb extract fractions have been under study in this research. The Silimar substance was chosen as the reference drug. Аntioxidative and antitoxic activity was studied using specific enzyme biotest-systems in vitro. The identified in vitro protective effect was manifested through the activity of enzymes marking of the morphofunctional state of hepatocytes in rats and histopathological examination, against the background of toxic hepatitis induced by one-time tetrachloromethane injection. Results. As a result of the research, it was shown that the aqueous fraction of the extract had the highest antioxidative and antitoxic activity in vitro using specific enzyme biotest-systems. Based on in vitro results it was provided the hepatoprotective activity of aqueous fraction. In vitro results were confirmed in vivo: prophylactic repeated administration of common chicory herb fractions into the body of rats with toxic liver damage caused a de-crease in the activity of AST, ALT and AP. The greatest inhibitory effect on the activity of enzymes marking the functional state of rat livers had silymar (by 15%, ALT by 33% and AP by 14%, p

carbon tetrachloride treatment model
Cichorium intybus L.
chicory herb extract
hepatoprotective activity
specific enzyme biotest systems in vitro

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