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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25877313-2024-04-02

M.R. Hoсhava
Ph.D. (Pharm.), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Pharmaceutics Department,
Kuban state medical University (Krasnodar, Russia)
E-mail hochavamr@ksma.ru
P.G. Mizina
Dr.Sc. (Pharm.), Adviser,
All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (Moscow, Russia)
E-mail: mizina-pg@yandex.ru
O.A. Bykova
Ph.D. (Agricul.),
North Caucasus branch FSBSI All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
(village Vasyurinskaya, Dinskoy district, Krasnodar territory, Russia)
E-mail: vilar8@rambler.ru

Introduction. The relevance of the study lies in the study of the chemical composition of the food culture of Scorzonera hispanica of the "Lechebnye" variety, identification of the most significant, from the point of view of therapeutic nutrition biologically active substances and prediction of further possible ways of using raw materials of this plant in the development of functional foods. Purpose of the study. To study the qualitative and quantitative composition of substances determining the nutritional value of Scorzonera hispanic variety Lechebnye cultivated in the Krasnodar region, as well as a detailed study of the amino acid composition of the root and herb, and their water-extractable complexes for subsequent use in the development of food products of functional purpose. Material and method. The object of the study was the roots and grass of the Scorzonera hispanica of the "Lechebnye" variety, harvested in 2021–2023 on the territory of the North Caucasus branch of FGBNU VILAR. Dry water-extractable complexes of Scorzonera herb and root were obtained according to a well-known technological scheme, including the stages of solid-phase extraction, concentration of the resulting extract, purification by filtration and drying of the extract. Physico-chemical indicators of the nutritional value of the root and herb of Scorzonera hispanica: qualitative and quantitative composition of nutrients (protein, fiber, fat, calcium and phosphorus), safety indicators (arsenic, cadmium, were determined using generally accepted methods for food raw materials. Capillary electrophoresis was used as an analytical method for studies of the composition and content of amino acids in the studied objects. Results. It was found that the above-ground and underground organs of cultivated food plant Scorzonera hispanica cultivar Lechyorny in the Krasnodar Territory are characterized by a high content of physicochemical indicators of nutrients such as crude protein, fiber, fat. Thus, the mass fraction of crude protein in the root – 11.41%, in the grass – 10.43%, fiber in the root – 6.6% and 30.0% in the grass, crude fat in the root – 3.28%, in the grass –3.39%. The data of studies of amino acid composition of grass, roots of Scorzonera hispanica and their water-extractable complexes show that grass and root contain 12 amino acids, 7 of which are essential (threonine, valine, methionine, isoleucine, leucine, phenylalanine, lysine). The studied complexes revealed the presence of a number of substituted amino acids - tyrosine, cysteine, serine, proline, alanine, glycine and essential amino acids - phenylalanine, threonine, methionine, lysine, and valine, histidine and arginine, histidine and arginine (essential). Conclusions. The research results obtained allow us to conclude that the herb and roots of Scorzonera hispanica of the "Lechebnye" variety are valuable as sources of essential nutrients, such as protein, fiber, fat, calcium, phosphorus and amino acids, which provides the opportunity to consider the creation of functional food products based on these plant materials.

Scorzonera hispanica
food crop
water-extractable complexes
dietary nutrition
amino acids.

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