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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25877313-2020-02-02
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N.S. Tsybulko Ph.D. (Pharm.) Leading Research Scientist, Agrobiotechnology Section, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (Moscow) E-mail: ostafevo11@yandex.ru S.B. Myasnikova Research Scientist, Agrobiotechnology Section, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (Moscow) E-mail: fatiniya21.66@mail.ru

VILAR is the holder of a collection of 16 strains of cultures of nine medicinal plants species: Macleaya cordata Willd, Thalictrum minus L., Stephania gla-bra Roxb., Miers, Podophyllum peltatum L., Panax ginseng C. A.Mey, Rodiola rosea L., Macrotomia eychroma Royle Pauls, Ungernia victoris Vved.ex Artjuschenko, Hedysarum neglectum. The presented cultures contain a wide range of biologically active substances: alkaloids (berberine, sanguinarine, helerubin, stefarin, galantamine); saponins, phenylpropanoids, lignans (podophyllotoxin), glycosides (mangiferin), shikonin. During cultivation, cell strains are maintained in the form of a suspension culture in a nutrient medium according to the Murasige-Skoog prescriptions with the addition of the necessary vitamins and growth regulators and in the form of callus on agar. The viability of the crops is maintained on a hang-ing rocking chair with a frequency of 100 rpm in a dark room at a temperature of 26º C and in thermostats TC80M2. To overcome the instability of the processes of growth and synthesis of target secondary metabolites during long-term cultivation, cell strains are maintained under strictly controlled conditions in accordance with the cultivation technology - periodic transplants and regular monitoring of the content of the main active substances. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the target components is carried out by a chromatospectrophotometric method. We find, that thalictrum minus biomass productivity and berberine biosynthesis (up to 0.10–0.12%) are kept a long time (more than 13 years). The maximum synthesis of alkaloids sanguinarine and helerubine (up to 0.88%) in total cell culture of macleaya is kept more than 8 years. This confirms the sufficient stability of the obtained strains. There was also find the variation in the level of maximum accumulation of target metabolites in the pro-cess of cultivation during the year with the maximum level at spring -sampler season.

cell culture
small cornflower
Maсleaya cordata Willd
Stephania glabra Roxb
Ungernia victoris Vved.ex Artjuschenko
Panax ginseng C.A.Mey
Rodiola rosea L.
Podophyllum peltatum L.
Hedysarum neglectum
Macrotomia eychroma Royle Pauls
active ingredients

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