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DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25877313-2020-03-08
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O.A. Bykova Ph.D. (Agrical.), Director, North Caucasus branch of All-Russian Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants A.Y. Anikina Research Scientist, North Caucasus branch of All-Russian Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants N.C. Tropina Senior Research Scientist, North Caucasus branch of All-Russian Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants R.R. Thaganov Senior Research Scientist, North Caucasus branch of All-Russian Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants A.I. Morozov Dr.Sc. (Agricul.), All-Russian Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (Moscow) F.M. Khazieva Ph.D (Biol.), Head of Department of Agrobiology and Selection, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (Moscow). E-mail: vilar.6@yandex.ru

A new variety of peppermint «Kazachka» have been created by the method of clone selection. In the article described the characteristics of new variety for economic and valuable characteristics in comparison with the zoned variety «Kubanskaya 6». The yield of air-dry leaf of the «Kazachka» variety is 1.98-2.26 t / ha, the yield of rhizomes is 12.0-12.6 t / ha, which exceeds the zoned variety «Kubanskaya 6» by 18% and 12%, respectively. The essential oil content is 2.2-2.5%, the menthol content in the oil is up to 48 %. The study of the component composition of the essential oil of the new variety «Kazachka» and the variety «Kubanskaya 6» showed its identity in many components, with the exception of γ-terpinen, which is not found in the grade «Kubanskaya 6». The main components of essential oil in both varieties are menthol (47.8 and 41.8 %), mentone ketones (10.4 and 13.7%) and iso-mentone (21.9 and 23.52%), which allows us to attribute the essential oil of the studied varieties to the menthol chemotype. The ratio of these components in the varieties «Kazachka» and «Kubanskaya 6» is 1.145; 0.758; 0.935, respectively. In the essential oil of the «Kazachka» variety, there is a predominance over the «Kuban 6» variety in the components pulegon (4,313), sabinen (2,479), trans-karyophylene (2,351), germacrene D (2,090), iso-Menthyl acetate (1,778). The «Kubanskaya 6» variety has an increased content of β-myrcene and piperitone components, the ratio of which over the «Kazachka» variety is 5.074 and 3.705 times, respectively. The maximum inter-port differences were found in the content of such a component of essential oil as limonene – in the oil of the «Kazachka» variety, it is 28 times more than in the «Kubanskaya 6» variety. The new variety «Kazachka» is not affected by powdery mildew and rust; is suitable for mech-anized cleaning; it has been recommended for cultivation on a pharmacy leaf.

Mentha×pipertita L.
essential oil
component composition

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